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Making it to the top in pop !
Meet Supersonico. Pablo, Silvia, Carlos and Pepe are from Argentina and well on their way to fame. 'We live in Cordoba but we're taking part in an international music festival here in London.' The festival is their first break on the international music scene. Understandably , the band is elated. 'We're very excited that people enjoy our music, ' says Carlos.

Răspuns :

Facem sa ajungem in fruntea popului.
Intalneste-l pe Supersonico.Pablo, Silvia, Carlos and Pepe sunt din Argentina si ei bine, in drumul lor spre succes."Noi locuim in Cordoba dar  facem parte dintr-un festival international de muzica aici in Londra".Festivalul are prima aparitie pe scena muzicii internationale.
 Este de inteles ca trupa este entuziasmata."Suntem foarte fericiti ca lumea apreciaza muzica noastra" spune Carlos.