
10 propozitii la past tense simple si past tense continuous. Va rog. Multumesc!

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10 sentences using verbs at Past Tense Simple and Past Tense Continuous



Past Tense Simple:

1. I went to the cinema last evening.

Am mers la cinematograf aseară.

2. My father bought a car last year.

Tatăl meu a cumpărat o mașină anul trecut.

3. I did not watch TV yesterday.

Ieri nu m-am uitat la televizor.

4. Did you go to school yesterday?

Ieri te-ai dus la școală?

5. I did my homework the day before yesterday.

Mi-am făcut tema alaltăieri.

6. She went fishing with his brother last week.

Ea a mers la pescuit cu fratele ei săptămâna trecută.

7. The child wrote a letter to his grandmother two days ago.

Copilul a scris o scrisoare către bunica lui în urmă cu două zile.

8. Tom ran after Jerry to punish it.

Tom a alergat după Jerry să îl pedepsească.

9. All the houses in this area were painted in white two years ago.

Toate casele din zona asta au fost vopsite cu alb acum doi ani.

10. We did not see the neighbour's car coming.

Noi nu am văzut mașina veninului venind.

Past Tense Continous:

1. When the telephone rang he was having a shower.

Când a sunat telefonul, el făcea duș.

2. While my mother was cooking, my father was reading the newspaper.

În timp ce mama gătea, tata citea ziarul.

3. When my brother came home I was doing my homework.

Când a venit fratele meu acasă, eu îmi făceam temele.

4. I was watching TV when I heard a noise.

Mă uitam la televizor când am auzit un zgomot.

5. Her children were playing in the garden when the tree fall.

Copiii ei se jucau în grădină când copacul a căzut.

6. Nick was watching a movie when the eartquake started.

Nick se uita la un film când a început cutremurul.

7. The boy was writing an essay when the teacher stopped him gently.

Băiatul scria un eseu când profesorul l-a oprit cu blândeţe.

8. The two friends were having a good time at the party while their parents were worried about them.

Cei doi prieteni se distrau la petrecere în timp ce părinţii lor erau îngijoraţi în privinţa lor.

9. Grandma was reading a fairy tale while Sam and Jill were listening to her.

Bunica citea un basm în timp ce Sam şi Jill o ascultau.

10. The scientist was inventing a new chemical formula right when a fire started in his laboratory.

Omul de ştiinţă inventa o nouă formulă chimică tocmai când s-a declanşat un incendiu în laboratorul lui.