
complete the sentences with the correct part of speech from the verbs in brackets.
1.She looked at kim in complete(.....). (amaze)
1.She looked at him in complete amazement

2.He was so(....)he couldn't sleep.(excite)

3.The end of the film was quite(....) .(frighten)

4.It gives me great(....) to introduce our next guest.(please)

5.She has always been(...) of the dark.(frighten)

6.I was(....) to see the damage to his car.(horrify)

7.It was a great(....) to see Simon again.(surprise)

8.She was(....) to get your letter.(thrill)

Răspuns :



Exerciţiul de mai jos ne ajută să înţelegem modul în care putem "jongla" cu o serie de cuvinte obţinute prin derivare. Să urmărim în rezolvare ce fel de cuvinte noi putem forma pornind de la verbele din paranteze.


Complete the sentences with the correct part of speech from the verbs in brackets.

Completaţi enunţurile cu partea de vorbire corectă obţinută (derivată) din verbele aflate în paranteze.


1. She looked at Kim in complete (amaze).

to amaze - a mira, a surprinde

She looked at him in complete amazement.

Ea a privit-o pe Kim cu surprindere totală. (amazement - substantiv)


2. He was so (....) he couldn't sleep.(excite)

He was so excited he couldn't sleep.

Era aşa de agitat, încât nu a putut dormi. (excited - adjectiv participial)

3. The end of the film was quite (....). (frighten)

The end of the film was quite frightening.

Finalul filmului a fost destul de înfricoşător. (frightening - adjectiv provenit din forma de gerunziu)

4. It gives me great (....) to introduce our next guest. (please)

It gives me great pleasure to introduce our next guest.

Ne face o mare plăcere să vă facem cunoştinţă cu următorul nostru invitat. (pleasure - substantiv)

5. She has always been (...) of the dark. (frighten)

She has always been frightened of the dark.

Ea a fost mereu înfricoşată de întuneric. (frightened - adjectiv participial)

6. I was (....) to see the damage to his car. (horrify)

I was horrified to see the damage to his car.

Am fost îngrozit să văd avariile maşinii lui. (horrified - adjectiv participial)

7. It was a great (....) to see Simon again. (surprise)

It was a great surprise to see Simon again.

A fost o mare surpriză să îl văd pe Simon din nou. (to surprise - verb; surprise - substantiv)

8. She was (....) to get your letter. (thrill)

She was thrilled to get your letter.

Ea a fost încântată să primească scrisoarea ta. (thrilled - adjectiv participial)