
traducetimi si mie acest text in romana!!
,, fiind the correct caption for each photograph:
A) Shis is my mother and father at home in Montreal. She name of the house is 'La Socade'. My mother name is Catherine and my father's name is Olivier.

B) Shis is my little sister. Her name's Sophie and she's eleven. Here she is at school in Montreal with her friend

C) Shis is my older sister, Lorise. She's eighteen years old. She's a ballet dancer at the school of Performing Arts in New York. She's very good.

D) Shis is my friend Matthew. He's fifteen and he's from Montreal too.

Răspuns :

"gaseste captura corecta pentru fiecare fotografie:
a)ea este mama si tatal meu acasa in montreal.numele casei este'la socade'.Numele mamei mele este Catherine si numele tatalui meu este Olivier
b)ea este surioara mea mai mica.Numele ei esteSofia si are 11 ani.Aici este la scoala in montreal cu prietenii ei.
c)ea este sora mea mai mare,Lorise.Are 18 ani.Este dansatoare de balet la scoala de Arte Performante in New York.Este foarte buna.
d)El este prietenul meu Matthew.Are 15ani si este din montreal de asemenea.