
Write a short review of a show, concert or play that you have seen recently. Follow the same order as the review and remember to write about:
-what you saw
-what it was about
-what you thought of it and why.

Răspuns :

My and two of my friends were at a concert . To be more specific , we were at a rock* concert. We bought the tickets and then we waited for the concert to start. The atmosphere was amazing , there were a lot of people , probably a few thousands . Later , the band showed up . My and my friends were so excited for the band to start singing. The stage was perfectly designed ( there were lights , there was a projector in the background for the people who were too far from the stage to see what is actually going on there. The band sang 10 of their best songs , they were dancing and head-banging at the same time and one of  the guitarists almost broke his electric guitar because he wanted to . But , somehow , he didn't . When the concert has finished , some lucky people  took their autographs . Unluckily we couldn't get them . However , the concert was amazing , the songs sounded better in real life than on youtube , the people who came there were amazing , they were all jumping and singing at the same time with the band. This is , maybe , one of the concerts that I will never ever forget.