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Casa mea este goarte frumoasa.Decorativa este de culoare crem si am o usa maro.Cand intru in sufragerie am o canapea adica un coltaar mare...In bucatarie am mobila bej si maro.In camera mea unde dorm si eu si sora mea avem un pat supra-etajat.In camera parintiilor mei este un pat lat si mare .Baia mare are o chiuveta frumoasa o cada mare si lata iar gresia si faianta sund de culoare mov lila si alb . Si asa este casa mea

Răspuns :

My home is very beautiful decorative is cream-colored and have a brown door. When I go into the living room sofa that is a big corner ... In the kitchen I beige and brown furniture. In my room where I sleep and my sister and I have a bunk bed in my parents' room is a large and wide bed. The large bathroom has a large tub and a beautiful sink and ceramic tiles wide Sund purple lilac and white. And so it is my home. ( Nu ştiu dacă e corect)