
Traduceți propozițiile:
1.Munceam in grădina cand m-am hotarat sa ma opresc.
2.Ce filme interesante ai văzut aseară?
3.Mama n-a putut crede ca există forțe invizibile
4.Urmăream zborul avionului cand am auzit un zgomot puternic.

Răspuns :

1.I worked in the garden when I decided to stop.
2.What interesting films you saw last night?
3.Mother could not believe that there are forces invisible
4.I watched the airplane flight when we heard a loud noise.
Sper ca te-am ajutat!

1.I worked in the garden when I decided to stop.
  2.What interesting films you saw last night?
3. Mother could not believe that there are invisible forces
  4.Watching airplane flight when we heard a loud noise.