
Rezumat pe scurt, in romana:
Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar (c. 1040 – 1099), better known as El Cid, or simply Rodrigo, was a Castilian nobleman and military leader in medieval Spain. The Moors called him El Cid, which meant the Lord, and the Christians, El Campeador, which stood for Outstanding Warrior. He was born in Vivar, a town near the city of Burgos. After his death, he became Castile's celebrated national hero and the protagonist of the most significant medieval Spanish epic poem, El Cantar de Mio Cid.[1]

Born a member of the minor nobility, El Cid was brought up at the court of King Ferdinand the Great and served Ferdinand's son, Sancho II of León and Castile. He rose to become the commander and royal standard-bearer (armiger regis) of Castile upon Sancho's ascension in 1065. Rodrigo went on to lead the Castilian military campaigns against Sancho's brothers, the rulers of the kingdoms of Leon and Galicia as well as in the Muslim kingdoms in Al-Andalus. He became renowned for his military prowess in these campaigns, which helped expand Castilian territory at the expense of the Muslims and Sancho's brothers' kingdoms. When conspirators murdered Sancho in 1072, Rodrigo found himself in a tight spot. Since Sancho had no legitimate heir, the throne passed to his brother, Alfonso, the same whom El Cid had helped remove from power. Although Rodrigo continued to serve the Castilian sovereign, he lost his ranking in the new court which treated him at arm's length and suspiciously. Finally, in 1081, he was ordered into exile.[2]

Răspuns :

Rodrigo Diaz, cunoscut şi ca El Cid a fost un lider militar şi nobil de mic rang născut în Vivar, Spania medievală. După moartea sa, a devenit erou național şi protagonistul unui important poem epic spaniol al vremii, El Cantar de mio Cid. A fost crescut la curtea regelui Ferdinand cel Mare şi a slujit fiului acestuia, Sancho al II-lea de Leon şi Castilia. În 1065 a devenit comandant şi purtătorul de steag sub conducerea lui Sancho al II-lea. Apoi a condus campaniile militare castiliene împotriva fraților acestuia, conducătorii regatelor de Leon şi Galicia, precum şi în regatele musulmane Al Andalus. A devenit cunoscut pentru vitejia sa în lupte care au ajutat la extinderea regatului castilian în teritoriile mai sus menționate. Când conspiratorii l-au asasinat pe Sancho în 1072, Rodrigo se găsea într-o situație dificilă, tronul revenind unuia dintre frații pe care îi alungase de la putere înainte, lui Alfonso. La noua curte regală şi-a pierdut rangul şi a fost tratat cu suspiciune şi ținut la distanță, fiind trimis în exil în 1081.