
a.Am fost la piata si am cumparat cartofi, rosii , ceapa si un manunchi de marar
b.Noapte trecuta m-am uitat la televizor
c.Baietii au jucat fotbal acum doua saptamani
d.Ieri am citit o carte interesanta
e.Anul trecut au locuit la Roma

Răspuns :

1.I went to market and bought potatoes, tomatoes, onions and a bunch of dill
2.Last night I watched TV
The boys played football two weeks ago
Yesterday I read an interesting book
Last year they lived in Rome
1.I went to market and i bought potatoes,tomatoes,onions and bunch of dill
2.The last night i watched TV
3.The boys played football last 2 weeks
4.Yesterday i read an interesant book
5.The last year they lived at Roma