
Fill in the sentences with words opposite to the words below: dangerous, to accept, mean, friendship, thoughtful, privilege, admiration, to be offended
1. how can you be so ... for your future career!
2. never in my life have i been treated with so much ... and neglect.
3. she was so insistent that we couldn t ... her invitation to accompany her.
4. his lack of communication puts him at a .. when he meets new people.
5. it was .. of you to share your dinner with me and lodge me for the night
6. we have never been on... either with our neighbours or acquaintances.
7. i ... greatly... by your promise to give us a hand whenever we need it.
8. they assured us that it was quite .. to cross the river in a boat.

Răspuns :



Fill in the sentences with words opposite to the words below: dangerous, to accept, mean, friendship, thoughtful, privilege, admiration, to be offended

Completați enunțurile cu antonimele cuvintelor de mai jos: periculos, a accepta, rău, prietenie, grijuliu/atent/interesat, privilegiu, admirație, a fi jignit

1. How can you be so careless for your future career!

Cum poți fi atât de dezinteresat de viitoarea ta carieră?

2. Never in my life have I been treated with so much unappreciation and neglect!

Niciodată în viața mea nu am mai fost tratat cu așa multă lipsă de apreciere și ignorare!

3. She was so insistent that we couldn't decline her invitation to accompany her.

A fost așa de insistentă, încât nu am putut refuza invitația ei de a o însoți.

4. His lack of communication puts him at a disadvantage when he meets new people.

Lipsa lui de comunicare îl dezavantajează când întâlnește oameni noi.

5. It was nice of you to share your dinner with me and lodge me for the night.

A fost drăguț din partea ta să-ți împarți cu mine cina și să mă cazezi peste noapte.

6. We have never been in an enmity either with our neighbours or acquaintances.

Nu am avut niciodată animozitate cu vecinii sau cunoștințele.

7. I feel greatly delighted by your promise to give us a hand whenever we need it.

Mă simt plăcut impresionat de promisiunea ta de a ne ajuta ori de câte ori avem nevoie.

8. They assured us that it was quite safe to cross the river in a boat.

Ne-au asigurat că era destul de sigur să traversăm râul cu o barcă.


Antonimele sunt cuvinte sau grupuri de cuvinte cu forme diferite și cu sens opus. Antonimele din exercițiu sunt:

dangerous ≠ safe

to accept ≠ to decline

mean ≠ nice

friendship ≠ enmity

thoughtful ≠ careless

priviledge  ≠ disadvantage

admiration  ≠ unappreciation

privilege disadvantage

to be offended ≠ to be delighted