
traduceti in engleza .
Verisorul meu a mers la spital dupa ce isi rupsese piciorul .
Eu am mers la o petrecere dupa ce fratele meu adormise .
Pompierii au sosit dupa ce oamenii fusesera salvati deja .
Ei urmareau meciul in sufragerie .
Emily alerga pe stadion cu prietena ei .
Politistul a urmarit hotul aseara .
Noi am vizitat muzeul de istorie anul trecut .
Eu am vazut-o pe Alina ieri .
Emily nu sia scris tema sambata dimineata .
Noi am invatat verbele neregulate weekend-ul trecut .

Răspuns :

4)they watching the match in the dining room

My cousin went to the hospital after he broke his leg.
I went to a party after my brother was asleep.
Firefighters arrived after people had been saved already.
They were watching the match in the living room.
Emily run stadium with her friend.
The policeman chased the thief last night.
We visited the History Museum last year.
I saw her yesterday Alina.
Emily sia not written theme Saturday morning.
We learned last weekend irregular verbs.