
Vă rog ajutați-ma.A doua poză o pun în comentariu

Vă Rog AjutațimaA Doua Poză O Pun În Comentariu class=

Răspuns :

Let me tell about my journey with the train to Sibiu.I love to journey with the train so i was very excited when i saw our train in the station.We boarded at 7:30 and found our seats.I was lucky because i had a window seat.We left after 15 minutes.After a journey of about 3 hours we arrived in Sibiu.

Let me tell you about my boat trip to Greece.I love to go by boat so i was very excited when i saw the boat in port.We boarded at 8:00 o'cloc  and found our seats.I was lucky because my seat was on deck.We left after 10 minutes .After 1 hour we arrived in Greece.
