
30 de propozitii cu prezent simplu si prezent continuu (afirmativ , interogativ , negativ ) in engleza . Repede, va rog !!!!!+

Răspuns :

Prezent simplu:
I go at work at 7:00 am . = Eu merg la munca la 7:00 dimineata .
We don't sleep . = Noi nu dormim .
Do you work here ? = Muncesti aici ?
Does she sing beautifully . = Ea canta frumos ?
I write . = Eu scriu .
They don't want . = Ei nu vor .
You are funny . = Voi sunteti amuzanti .
Does he read ? = El citeste ?
It is here . = Este aici.
Do you paint ? = Pictezi ?
I am happy . = Sunt fericita .
I walk to school every day. = Eu merg pe jos la scoala in fiecare zi.
Mina plays tennis every weekend. = Mina joaca tenis in fiecare sfarsit de saptamana.
Peter likes cats and dogs. = Lui petru ii plac pisicile si cainii.
The train from Boston arrives this afternoon at three o'clock. = Trenul din Boston soseste in dupamiaza aceasta la ora trei.

Prezent continuu :
It is not raining. = Nu ploua.
John is leaving for London next week. = Ion pleaca la Londra saptamana viitoare.
She isn't walking = Ea nu se plimba .
Is he eating? = El mananca?
The winter is passing too quickly. = Iarna trece prea repede.
Radu is acting like his father. = Radu se poarta ca si tatal lui.
Some football players are not being good role model. = Unii jucători de fotbal nu sunt un bun model.
Is he being good to you?. = Este el bun cu tine?
More and more people are going to church. = Din ce in ce mai multi oameni merg la biserica.
I'm writing an article now. = Scriu un articol acum.
Is she having lunch at this moment?  = Ia ea pranzul in acest moment?
She is watching TV now. = Ea se uita la televizor acum.
Mother is washing the dishes at this moment. = Mama spala vasele in acest moment.
Paul is repairing his car now. = Paul isi repara masina acum.