
Va rog multttttt .
Traduceti in romana :
He was afraid to open his eyes.Robbie thought the ,,Thing'' was coming for him. ,,What do you want from me?'' asked the kid frightened.Nothing, but silence.No one could help him now.The rain was louder and louder, so was the wind.He opened his eyes for a second, but covered them with his hands immediately.What he saw shocked him.Robbie was horrified. ,,Please leave me alone'' whispered the child.He quickly run to the door as fast as he could, and screamed.Until this day, Robbie is still terrified as he remembers that big creature with red eyes and that evil smile.

Răspuns :

Lui ii era frica sa deschida ochii.Robbie a crezut ca "lucrul" venea pentru el.
"Ce vrei de la mine?" A intrebat copilul inspaimantat.Nimic,liniste.Nimeni nu il putea ajuta acum.Ploaia devenea mai puternica si tot mai puternica , asa a fost vantul.El a deschis ochii pentru o secunda,dar i-a acoperit inapoi cu mainile imediat.Ce a vazut l-a socat.Robbie era ingrozit. "Te rog lasa-ma in pace" a soptit copilul.El a fugit spre usa cat de rapid a putut,si a tipat.Pana in aceasta zi,Robbie este inca ingrozit cand isi aminteste creatura aceea mare cu ochii rosii si zambetul acela rau.
el era speriat sa deschida ochii.Robbie s-a gandit ca  ceva venea spre el.ce vrei de la mine? a intrebat copilul speriat.Nimic,dar silentios.Nimeni nu l-a putut ajuta.ploaia se auzea din ce in ce mai tare,era vantul.El a deschis ochii pentru o secunda,dar i-a acoperit cu mainile imediat.A fost socat.Robbie a fost ingrozit.'Te rog lasa-ma singur' isi dorea copilul.El repede a fugit la usa  la fel de repede cum credea,si a tipat.Dupa ziua asta,Robbie a ramas ingrozit cum si-a amimtit o creatura mare cu ochi rosii si acel zambet malefic