
Buna ziua! imi puteti traduce si mie textul acesta din engleza in romana va rog frumos (pe google translate nu traduce bine):,, AT last! Captain comic ,the hero of all comic readers is going to fall into my hands.
Come on the Totem! i've been waiting for ages! You said you'd found intello's lab...
What on earth...?
for years i've been waiting for this moment! At last it has arrieved! for i've been waiting to destroy you like you've destroyed the minds of young people with your your stupid stories.Prepare to die, captain comic!
Dream on,intello,you coward!
You can destroy me but you can't destroy people's right to enjoy comics.People all around the wourld have been reading comics for years and they always will.
Hmmm! we've got company.I've been expecting you too.
Well,well.Lock who's here. If it isn't your number one fan .You're just in the time to say goodbye to youre friend.my dear.
Totem! Spiderplan, now!

Răspuns :

Capitanul comic, eroul tuturor cititorilor de reviste comice (sau ceva nu stiu exact la ce se refera cu acel comic) o sa cada in mainile mele.
Vino Totem! Am asteptat ani intregi! Ai spus ca ai gasit laboratorul lui intello...
Pe pamant? (sau s-ar putea sa fie un ce naiba) 
De ani intregi am asteptat acest moment! Macar am ajuns! for (for ce nu ai continuarea cred ca e for years)  De ani intregi am asteptat sa te distrug asa cum ai distrus tu mintile tinerilor cu povestile tale stupide. Pregatestete sa mori capitan comic!
Mai viseaza, intello, lasule!
Ma poti distruge pe mine dar nu poti distruge dreptul oamenilor de a se bucura de revistele comice. Oamenii din toata lumea au citit reviste comice ani intregi si o vor face intotdeauna.
Hmmm! Avem companie. Te asteptam si pe tine.
Mai, mai. UIte cine este aici. Este fanul tau numarul unu. Ai venit la timp sa ii spui adio prietenului tau, dragul meu.
Totem! Spiderplan, now!
Va continua...