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hospitable and civilizedcity, and it has an impressive history. It is a city that I loved from the beginning andI promised myself that I would return to Paris.It is a town for bohemians, lovers and fans of the great fashion houses. It iscalled "The City of Lights" as a tribute given to intellectual geniuses, but also for theincomparable architectural beauty. Paris surprises everybody but in any case itdoesn’t disappoint you. There have been made hundreds of movies, there have been written thousands and thousands of books about Paris and all of them had thesame conclusion. It is the most beautiful city in Europe and it is the city of lovers.The first visit was short, I only spent a weekend. It was a beautiful autumn. Iremember that I tried to see the most important and famous tourist attractions.I'll describe in a few words only a part of them. I’d like to tell you more but the time istoo short.At Louvre Museum you can enter from the subway station Palais Royal-Musee duLouvre or The Great Pyramid that it is in front of the museum. The building construction began in 1190. At first it was a fort, then it was a royal palace and Napoleon turned it into a museum. Louvre hosts so many exhibits that you shouldhave an entire month to see them all. Do not miss the 3 "ladies" of themuseum: Monalisa, Venus de Milo and Samotrace Victoria. In the museum itis permitted to take a picture, but without flash or film.The Tuileries Gardens are well organized and they host beautiful sculptures. It is agood place for you to rest after a long visit of the Louvre. In the Place de la Concorde youcan admire the Obelisk of Luxor and those two fountains that were inaugurated in 1840.A walk along Champs-Elysees is unforgettable. There, you can see and admire the areathat crosses the parks and the commercial area