
In familia mea cu toti suntem inalti si slabi cu exceptia surorii mele care este scunda si grasa .Ea este cea mai scunda si cea mai grasa din familia mea fiind si cea mai mica.Cristina seamana cu mama .Amandoua au parul blond si ochii albastri .Eu seman cu mama la par si cu tata la ochi.Eu sunt nepoata favorita a matusii Sofi pentru ca am parul ei si ochii caprui.Amandoua semanam cu vunica Geta. De scris in ENGLEZA va rogggg

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In my family we are all tall and skinny except for my sister who is short and fat .It is the shortest and most fat from my family It is the smallest. Cristina resembles mother. Both have blond hair and blue eyes. I resembled my father and mother to appear to the eye. I am the granddaughter's favorite aunt because I Sofi her hair and hazel eyes. Both looked like Geta grandmother.