
Traduceti varog in engleza Salut vitalie am inteles ca ai inceput sa fumezi.ţi-aş sugerea sa lasi fumatul. Neavind chef de fumat vei avea obiceiul sa iti cumperi tigari,mi sa intimplat si mie dar acum nu mai fumez.cind iti vei aprinde o tigara vei primi placere peste o luna tot placere dar peste un oarecare timp nu vei mai primi asa zisa placere.in cazul in care nu stiai fumatul poate aduce boli grave.depune un pic de efort pentru a lasa fumatul

Răspuns :

Hello vitalie I understood that you started to smoke I would suggest  to leave smoking.Neave binge smoking habit will have you cumperi cigarettes ,I happened to me but now I'II light a cigarette fumez.cind you'll get pleasure over a month but still pleasure over some time you will not receive the so-called placere.in if you did not know smoking can bring grave.depune disease a little effort to let smoking
Hello, Vitalie! I saw that you began to smoke. I would suggest you to stop it. Without realizing you'll start buying cigarettes, it happened to me too but now I don't smoke anymore. When you'll light up a cigarette, you'll feel pleasure, after a month you'll still feel pleasure but after some time you will not feel that so called pleasure. In case you didn't know, smoking can lead to very serious diseases.
Take a little pain and stop smoking!