
Traduceti propozitiile in engleza utilizand : past simple , continuous ,perfect si perfect continuous:
1.Marius statea la soare in timp ce copiii se jucau in piscina.
2.Si.a continuat calatoria dupa ce si.a schimbat cauciucul
3.Pana cand eu am ajums la meci , echipa mea preferata a marchat 3 goluri.
4.Vaporul naviga de 2 zile cand s.a isbit un iceberg.
5.Pana cand seful a ajuns la birou , ea isi terminase lucrul.
6.L.am invitat la un film iersi seara.
7.Si.a dat jos paltonul si a intrat in casa.
8.Ma relaxam in fata calculatorului cand am auzit un zgomot ciudat.
9.Era foarte suparata deoarece astepta stiri de la el de 2 zile.
10.A primit interviu la stire ieri seara la ora 10

Răspuns :

1. Marius was lying in the sun while the children were playing in the pool.
2. He (She) continued his (her) jouney after he (she) had replaced his (her) tire.
3. Until I arrived at the match, my favourite team had scored 3 goals.
4. The ship had been sailing for two days when it hit against an iceberg.
5. Until her boss arrived at the office, she had finished her work.
6. I invited him at a movie yesterday night.
7. He (She) took off his (her) coat and entered the house.
8. I was relaxing in front of the computer when I heard a strange noise.
9. She was very upset because she had been waiting for news from him for two days.
10. He (she) watched the interview at the news yesterday evening at 10 o'clock.

(La 10. tu ai scris ca "a primit" interviu la stiri; as fi de parere ca e greseala de editare si ca ai vrut sa zici "privit la interviu". Daca e vreo problema cu asta, semnaleaza si reiau in comentarii).