
transcrie propozitile in engleza folosind la primele 5 propoziti trecutul simplu iar la ultimele 5 trecutul continuu
1.Ultima oara cand la-m vazut pe john a foast anul trecut .
2.El nu a adus proiectul la istorie .
3. Tu ti-ai terminat eseul .
4.Ei au ajuns la oar 3 la aeroport .
5. Ea nu a citit cartea da vazut filmul.
6. Ea pregatea cina cand am ajuns acasa .
7. La cinema se difuza filmul viata secreta a animalelor de companie.
8. Cand am trecut cu masina ei asteptau autobuzul .
9.Ei au discutat timp de 2 ore la sendita .
10. Ei invatau pentru examen.
Dau coroana cine da raspunsul cat mai repede

Răspuns :

1.The last I seen John it was the last year.
2.He didn't bring the project at history.
3.You finished your essay.
4.The got to three o'clock at the airport.
5.She didn't read the book but she saw the movie.
6.She was preparing the dinner when i got home.
7.At the cinema it wa diffusing the movie the secret life of pets.
8.When I  passed with the car they were waiting the bus.
9.The disscused time of two hours at the  meeting.
10.They were studying / learning(oricare e buna) for the exam.