
Report the following sentences:
1.Ion said, "Tim, have you ever tried Moldovan pies?"
2. My friend said, I"have never eaten mutton."
3.Dad said, "I have bought pork, poultry and beef for the holiday table."
4. Andrea said, "Whent I returned home, mum had already baked the pies."
5. Laura said to Emily, "I am sorry I had not managed to lay the table befor the guests arrived".
va rog urgent

Răspuns :

Ion a zis, "Tim, Ai incercat vreodata placintele Moldovene?"
Tata a zis, "Am cumparat carne de porc, ... si carne de vita pentru masa de sarbatori"
Prietenul meu a zis, "Niciodata nu am mancat carne de miel"
Andrea a zis, "Cand m-am intors acasa, mama a facut deja placintele"
Laura a zis lui Emily, "Imi pare rau ca nu am putut sa pun masa inainte ca oaspeti sa ajunga"