
Acum e secolul XXI , un secol cu multe invenittii si inventatori . Desi acum sunt telefoane fara butoane , use fara maner , oamenii nu prea au evoluat . Au evoluat , doar ele , aparatele , cum ar fi telefonul , microunda , calculatorul si multe altele ..
Cu fiecrae an inventatorii inventeaza inventii noi , mai performante .
Aceste inventii cum ar fi telefoanele din ziua de azi sunt daunatoare , deoarece au raze ultra violete ce ne strica vederea . De asta cel mai bun telefon in care sa citesti e cartea . Inventiile vor evolua inca foarte mult . CINE MA AJUTA CU TRADUCEREA . VA ROG FRUMOS .

Răspuns :

Now twenty-first century is a century with many invenittii and inventors. Although now there are phones without buttons, doors without handles, people hardly evolved. Evolved only them, devices such as telephones, microwave oven, computer and many more .. With inventors invent new inventions; every year, performing. These inventions such as phones today are harmful because they are damaging ultra violet rays that order. That's the best phone in the book to read it. The inventions will evolve still very much