
traduceti in engleza conform timpurilor present perfect simplu si present perfect continuu parca:

1)Mika tocmai i-a trimis un buchet de flori sotiei sale.
2)Ele cumpara cadouri de Craciun de 1h
3)Aceasta companie a construit 2 scoli pana acum.
4)Nu am platit masina de spalat inca.
5)Tata lucreaza in gradina de azi dimineata
6) -De cât timp aştepti tramvaiul?
-De o jumatate de ora
7) Câte poezii ai citit pana acum?
-Doar 3
8) De cat timp practici acest sport?
9)Ei locuiesc la mătusa lor de 2 saptamani
10) El a fost foarte lenes in ultima vreme

Răspuns :

1.Mika just  send a  buquet of flowers to his wife.
2.They are buying gifts for christmas for 1h.
3.This company built  2 schools so far/yet.(so far e mai corect)
4.I didn't paid washing machine yet.
5.Dad is working in garden from today's morning.
6.How long you waiting
-A half of a hour
7.How many poetry you read so far?
just 3
8.How long do you practice this sport?
9.They are living at they're aunt 2 weeks.
10.he was lazy lately