
Mă ajutati si pe mime cu un eseu în limba engleză cu tema : "Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder" . Până diseară dacă puteți . Vă mulțumesc!

Răspuns :

To begin with I’d like to determine what we usually understand by “beauty”. The most common association with it is the physical harmony of a person or thing. For instance, we like admiring pretty faces, can spend hours looking at an attractive landscape. We take pleasure in eye catching things. But I don’t think beauty is as simple as physical appearance. I’ll take people for example. We find some people attractive, whereas some make us feel strong dislike. As I am convinced, the reason for that is beauty. However this beauty is different. First of all, people’s opinions differ when it comes to matters of physical attraction. Secondly, I am strongly convinced that when our subject of discussion is people, physical attractiveness matters very little and only at the early stages of a personal contact. A more important thing is inner beauty or the beauty of a man’s character. Even if a person is physically beautiful but has a difficult and naughty character nobody would enjoy spending time with him. Similarly, people with no extraordinarily beautiful features of appearance but who are kind, friendly and attentive easily draw our attention to them. On the whole, beauty is a complex thing, which is made up from many factors and which cannot be defined once and for all. Opinions differ and the matter of beauty and attractiveness is not an exception. I mean that everything is beautiful as long as is seems so to us