
Trebuie sa fac o compunere in care sa povestesc despre programul meu zilnic in Enlgeza.Punteti inventa,dar sa stiti ca eu vin la scoala la ora 8 dimineata si Luni pana Joi termin la 1 dupa-amiaza si vinerea la 12.Trebuie sa respectati datele care vi le-am zis.;)
Succes ,dau medalie.;);)

Răspuns :

It's Sunday... i go to bed  at 8 pm because next day must go at school.
monday morning i'm waking up, i wash my face and , im getting dressed and i go to school.
At school its very bad because i did never learn and i want to kill myself or take a note tree. 
Ok, this happens to me every day, and i want suicide me because i have just notes four. Thank you parents for money to eat but still kill myself and i sell my heart!