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Azi am vizitat unul dintre cele mai frumoase cluburi de arte martiale . Clubul nu avea un nume , dar copii ce faceau patre din el practicau karatele. Am intrebat profesorul cum decurge o ora de karate iar el mi-a explicat ce fac ei la o ora normala . Mi-a spus fiecare exercitiu si mi-a mai spus ca urmeaza sa participe la un concurs .
Vaaa rog mult!!

Răspuns :

Today I visited one of the most beautiful clubs the martial arts . The club does not have a name , but children what they were doing four of him karatele misfortunes. I asked Professor how one hour of karate and he explained to me what they do at a time normal . He told me each financial year and he also told me I was to participate in a competition .