
traduceti va rog: Este panica generala la Istanbul, unde cel putin 10 oameni au fost ucisi si alti 15, au fost raniti, intr-un atentat sinucigas comis in centrul turistic, la doi pasi de Basilica Sfanta Sofia si de Moscheaa Albastra.Explozia a avut loc la ora 10:20 dimineata, in piata Sultanahmet din centrul Istanbului, langa Obeliscul lui Teodosie. Aceasta este zona vizitata de majoritatea turistilor, fiind aproape de Sfanta Sofia, de Moscheea Albastra si de bazar. Bilantul provizoriu este de 10 morti si 15 raniti, insa cel mai probabil numarul victimelor va creste. Premierul turc a anuntat ca majoritatea celor care si-au pierdut viata sunt turisti germani. Ministerul roman de Externe verifica acum daca printre victime sunt si romani.

Răspuns :

Panic has set in Istanbul, where at least 10 people were killed and 15 wounded during a suicidal attack carried out in the touristic centre, nearby Hagia Sophia and  the Blue Mosque. The explosion happened at 10.20 in the morning, in the Sultanahmet square in the centre of Istanbul, close to the Obelisk of Theodosius. This area is visited by most tourists due to its proximity to Hagia Sophia, the Blue Mosque and the bazaar. So far the number of casualties is at 10 dead and 15 wounded, but the counts will likely increase. The Turkish prime minister announced that most of those who died are German tourists. The Romanian Minister of External Affairs is now checking if there are any Romanians among the casualties.