
faceti-mi si mie aceste exercitii de bac va rog!!
1.Give your opinion ont the following statement:"The world is a tragedy for those who fell , but a comedy for those who think(Horce Wharpole).Use relevant arguments and examples to support your ideas
2.Answer the following question:what new activity would you like to try in your free time?
3.Talk about a dream or a nightmare you still remember.

Răspuns :

"The world is a tragedy for those who feel.... "
Those who feel are usually people who have the ability of loving deeply or those who have deep feelings and can be hurt easily.
In our lives we do not meet those people who we are dreaming about, those perfect people who match perfectly our ideas, points of view, our ideas about love and life. We meet people who are different from us. For a person with deep feelings it may happen that such a different person to be a disappointment, a person who hearts his/her feeling... To illustrate this idea, a character who comes in my mind is Madame Bovary, who was a sensible woman, with great expectations and too little satisfactions. When she thinks that she found a soulmate she finds out that she didn't and eventually she commits suicide.

"... but a comedy for those who think"
People who think, those who had an open mind for new ideas, those for whom passions are not quite familiar feeling, but the most familiar features are scepticism an irony, will mock and criticize human weakness, because these people can perceive human feebleness.
Let's just remember Mark Twain or O'Henry - and any of their writings mocking human stupidity, bluntness, vanity...

2. In my free time I would like to start painting. I really enjoy admiring a beautiful scenery and eternalize it on a canvas.

3. A dream that I remember clearly as if it was real, was about a trip in another world. It was a world with no day of night, but one could see quite well everything around. I was standing on the top of a hill, at it was a town in the valley. It was strange that I didn't see any living creature, but only huge buildings. The air was clear and it had a reddish color, and the building were all beautifully colored. It seems that I wanted to go and visit that town, but this was the moment when I woke up.