
Traduceti folosind prezent perfect simple
1.Ai zburat vrodata cu avionul?
2.Ea inca nu a mancat inghetata.
3.Niciodata nu am ajutat-o pe mama mea in bucatarie.
4.Inca nu am luat o nota mica.
5.Parintii tai au cules niste portocale.
6.Noi am construit o casa moderna.
7.Ei s-au intalnit in fata magazinului de haine.
8.Tu ai cumparat vreodata un cadou pentru parinti tai?
9.Eu niciodata nu am aranjat cartile in biblioteca
10.El a prins doi iepuri si doua veverite.

Răspuns :

1. Have you ever flown by plane?
2. She hasn't eaten ice cream yet.
3. I've never helped my mother in the kitchen.
4. I've never got a bad mark yet.
5. Your parents have picked some oranges.
6. We have built a modern house.
7. They've met in front of the dress shop.
8. Have you every bought a present for your parents?
9. I've never arranged/organized the books in the book case.
10. He's caught two rabbits and two squirrels.