
traduceti IN ENGLEZA : - As vrea sa vorbesc cu domnul director.
-cu domnul director? si eu as vrea.
-nu vine?
-ba da. S e intampla sa si vina. Uneori.
-totusi,vedeti ....eu...ar trebui...E o chestiune care..
-e ceva grav?
-Foarte grav. Pot chiar spune de extrema importanta.
-Atunci,stiu eu? ...Sa vorbiti cu domnul Stefanescu.
- e aici?
-Inca nu.Dar trebuie sa vina.
-sa astept.
-Sau, si mai bine...sa sunteti grabit, mai faceti dumneavoastra un tur,doua pe strada si reveniti.
-Mai bine asa. Tot am de facut o targuiala jos la librarie.Ma duc si ma intorc .Am onoarea sa va salut..da,da. Ma intorc. NU DATI PE GOOGLE TRANSLATE, ROG PE CINEVA CARE SE DESCURCA IN ASA CEVA.

Răspuns :

I would like to talk with the manager,please!
With the manager?I would like too.
he,s not coming?
oh,yes,he,s coming.he happens to come.it,s a thing that...

it,s something bad?
very bad.I can even say it,s by an extreme importance
well,let,s say...you should talk with mister Stefanescu
is he here?
not yet.but he must come
then,I wait
or,even better,because you are hurried you can take one or two walks on the street and then come back
better like this.I also have to make one trade down,to the library
I go and come back
I ,m honoured to salute you...yes,yes I,ll be back