
Va rog foarte mult rezolvati .Translate : a) Cine este cel mai destept baiat din clasa ? b) Ketti este cea mai frumoasa fata din scoala c) Te-ai intalnit cu Paul la spital ieri ? d) Ricky a fost cel mai puternic baiat din clasa e) Noi nu am spalat masina noastra ieri pentruca am fost obositi f) Eu am vorbit cu ea la telefon acum o ora g) Unchiul si matusa nu au fost acasa seara trecuta h) Eu m-am jucat cu cainele meu in aceasta dimineata i) Cand ai inceput lectiile de pian ? j) Cand ai cumparat rochia aceasta frumoasa ?

Răspuns :

A) Who is the smartest boy from the classroom? B)Ketti is the most beautiful girl in the school. C) Did you meet with Paul yesterday at hospital? D)Ricky was the strongest boy from the class. E) We didn't washed our car yesterday because we were tired. F) I speaked with her at the phone one hour ago. G) Uncle and aunt weren't home last night. H) I played with my dog in this morning. I) When did you began the piano lessons? J) When did you bought this beautiful dress?