
Am nevoie de aceasta traducere.. fara google translate
Kuchisake Onna inseamna femeie cu gura taiata.
Pe vremuri, acum peste 1000 de ani, a fost sotia unui samurai, care banuia ca frumoasa sa sotie l-a inselat. Razboinicul se hotarase sa ii dea o lectie si sa ii fure frumusetea pentru totdeauna, taindu-i fata de la coltul buzelor la urechi, astfel incat nimeni sa nu o mai priveasca cu admiratie, ci cu spaima.
Dupa moartea sa, femeia se intoarce pentru razbunare. Asa ca in noptile cetoase, colinda strazile cautand o victima cu care sa se joace.
Pare a fi o femeie normala imbracata intr-un pardesiu, doar ca pe fata are o masca chirurgicala, iar in mana are o pereche de foarfece.
Ea te va intreba "Sunt frumoasa?", iar daca raspunsul tau va fi "nu" vei sfarsi decapitat cu foarfecele. Insa, nici rapunsul "da" nu este o scapare, ea isi va scoate masca chirurcicala si te va intreba " Acum sunt frumoasa?" . raspunsul "nu" o va face sa te taie in doua, dar raspunsul " da" o va face sa te urmeze spre casa si intr-un final iti va desfigura fata.
Singura scapare de Kuchisake este de a-i spune " Nu esti nici draguta, nici urata, ci asa si asa." Acest raspuns o va baga in incurcatura pe femeie.

Răspuns :

Kuchisake Onna is a woman with the mouth sliced.
Long time ago, over 1000 years ago, she was the wife of a samurai who was thinking his beautiful woman was cheating on him. The warrior decided to give her a lesson and to steal her beauty forever, slicing her face from the edge of her lips up to her ears, so that nobody would look at her with admiration, but with fear. 
After her death, the woman comes back for revenge. In the foggy(sau misty) nights, she wanders the streets looking for someone to play with.
She seems to be a normal woman, wearing a coat, only that on her face she has a surgical mask and in her hand she has a scissors.
She will ask you "Am I beautiful?" and if your answer is "no", you will end being murdered with the scissors. Not even "yes" is a good answer because she will take off her mask and she will ask you "Am I beautiful now?". The answer "no" will make her cut you in two, but the answer "yes" will make you follow her to her house where she will destroy your face. 
The only escape is to tell her "You are not beutiful, but not ugly too, you are so-so." This answer will confuse her.