
Cu descriu un elev din clasa în engleza

Răspuns :

Much of my childhood was spent at school with my colleagues. So I think it's very good for me to get along well with them. The most important of them is my colleague bank you understand me perfectly. We very much fun during breaks and during office hours. Often it happened to make our observation that teachers were not laughing or paying attention in class. Yet we know to learn and help each other when we do not understand something of what we teach. I am very happy that I had the opportunity to sit with him in the bank because we have a lot in common. Break our favorite stories about the drawings and computer games about which we like. Sometimes, when we get bored during class, we play secretly X and 0 or Hangman. It happens sometimes but we argue we move quickly. My colleague bank is also my friend. I hope our friendship will last even after needles will not be in the same class.