
Cine imi scrie si mie compunerea asta in engleza?va rog....Mai sunt cateva saptamani pana la Craciun.Eu si parintii mei am inceput deja pregatirile.Tata a cumparat un nou brad,instalatii si globuri.Va fii un Craciun deosebit deoarece il vom petrece alaturi de cei dragi.Bunicii sunt nerabdatori.Bunica si mama se vor ocupa de mancare si de desert,iar tata si bunicul vor avea grija sa nu avem vreo surpriza neplacuta.Eu o sa ma ocup de impodobirea bradului impreuna cu sora si fratele meu.Dupa Craciun ne vom preocupa de seara de revelion.Cea mai speciala noapte:noaptea dintre ani.Imi place anotimpul iarna deoarece zapada ma face sa ma gandesc la lucruri frumoase si speciale!Dau coroana celui mai bun!

Răspuns :

There are a few weeks before Christmas. Me and my parents have already started preparations. My father bought a new tree, plants and ornaments. It will be a great Christmas because we will spend with the good. Grandparents are impatient. Grandmother and mother will take care of food and dessert, and my father and grandfather would take care not to have any unpleasant surprise me .I will take care of tree ornaments with Christmas sister and brother .After we worrying about New Year's Eve night. the special night: night of the year. I like winter because snow season makes me think of things beautiful and special!