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Eu cred ca nu toti elevii ar fi deacord cu forma scolara.Minusurile ar fi ca acesta forma nu o mai porti purta la alte oazii.Iar plusurile ca nimeni nu te va judeca pentru hainele purtate.Eu consider ca culorile potrivite pentru forma scoalara ar fi bordo sau albastru inchi sau chear negru cu alb.Fetele sa poarte blugi sau fuste la alegere,baietii camasa sacou blugi de aceeasi culoare ca si la fete.Ar fi bine ca clasele primare sa aiba o culoare a formei,clasele gimnaziale una diferita si nu in ultimul rind liceienii.Pentru asi face forma mai casual ei pot adauga o cravata sau papion.

Răspuns :

I believe that not all students would agree with scohool.
minuses shape as it no longer wear shape wear ocasion
.And other pluses that no one will judge you for clothes weared.
I think the colors would be suitable for form shool chear burgundy or blue or black and white.
Girls inches to wear jeans or skirts choice, boys shirt jeans jacket of the same color as the primary girls.
Ar be good to have a color shape, totally different and no secondary school least of all aces 
high schoolFor make more casual form they may add a tie or bow tie
I think that not all students would agree with uniforms. One disadvange would be that you cannot wear this outfit somewhere else. An advantage is that no one will judge you by the clothes that you wear. I believe that the right colour for uniforms would be bordeaux/ a dark shade of red or maybe dark blue or black and white. Girls can wear jeans or skirts as they wish, boys shirts, blazer and jeans that match the ones that girls wear. It would be preferable for primary school students to have their own colour of uniform, secondary school students a different one. And last but not least highschool students can turn their uniform into a more casual outfit by adding a tie or a bow tie.