
Va rog mult !!
O compunere despre o intamplare de 10-12randuri.Am nevoie urgent!!!

Răspuns :

Two men were jailed in the same cell. They were in the same conditions, but one of them was unhappy, and the other one was happy.
– Why are you so sad? – a happy man asked unhappy man.
– What should I joy for? I am unlucky. Recently I was free and had a rest at the resort, and there, as you know, is more interesting than here – unhappy man answered and asked a happy man: – And why are you so satisfied?
– You see, – a happy man said, – recently I was in another prison, where the conditions are much worse, and there is just a resort for me here, compared to what it was. Many people want to get here, but I am the lucky one.
Everything is relative and has to be learned in comparison. If you want to be happy, just compare your current position not with what is better, but with what would be worse.

Doi barbati au fost anchisi an aceiasi celula.Erau an aceiasi conditi,doar unul din ei era f.nefericit si celalalt era fericit.
-De ce esti trist?barbatul feticit al antreaba pe barbatul nefericit
De ce ar trebui sa fiu fericit?Sunt f ghinionist.
Recent am fost liber si am putut sa ma odihnesc an vacanta si avum,cum stii,era mai interesant decat aici,nefericitu a raspuns si a antr pe cel fericit
-Si tu de ce esti multumit/fericit?
-Vezi tu-omul fericit raspunse-recent am fost an alta anchisoare,unde conditiile erau mai rele,si aici e ca o vacanta pt mine comparand cu cea fost.
Multi oameni ar vrea sa ajunga aici dar eu sunt norocosul.
Tot e cu legatura doar ca tr sa anvatam sa comparam.Daca vrei sa fii fericit,Doar compara pozitia an care te afli acum,nu cu cea buna,doar cu ce-ar putea fi mai rau.